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ACEDrain™ S

Lớp lót

ACEDrain™ S- Geocomposite of a board with regular dimples and a PET nonwoven geotextile

Drainage board with dimples made of high-impact polystyrene to maintain the invariable thickness under high loading pressure

With nonwoven geotextile covering dimples to prevent soil from penetrating into water channel and to allow water flow into drain core

Applicable to reinforcement construction with drainage system improvement


Drainage Geocomposites Consisting of a Board with Regular Dimples
and a Polyester Nonwoven Filter Jacket

ACEDrain™ S is a drainage geocomposite consisting of a planar core wrapped with a gray polyester nonwoven geotextile. The core of ACEDrain™ S is a board with regular dimples made of high-impact polystyrene to maintain the invariable thickness under high loading pressure and provide excellent flow conductivity. The nonwoven geotextiles cover each dimple to prevent soil penetration into the water channel as well as to allow water flow into the drain core. ACEDrain™ S can be used horizontally or vertically to provide full coverage drainage. Horizontal applications include plaza decks or athletic fields, while vertical applications include seeping soil slope and retaining walls.

Chức năng

Phân tách

Phân tách

Thoát nước

Thoát nước



Tính năng

 Strong and durable materials
 Drainage systems enhancing
 Great water flow capability without obstruction

Nguồn dữ liệu

【Khác】Case Study Collection- Environmental Protection

【Khác】Case Study Collection- Roadway and Railway Construction

【Khác】Case Study Collection- Earthwork Construction

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