Case Studies
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Widening and Intersections Improvement, Highway N17, Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Asia | 2015-2019
Products:ACEGrid® GG
Application:Base Reinforcement
Application:Base Reinforcement

Railway Improvement, New Taipei, Taiwan
Taiwan | 2010-2014
Products:ACEGrid® GG, ACETex® PP
Application:Subgrade Stabilization ,Base Reinforcement
Application:Subgrade Stabilization ,Base Reinforcement

ACEGrid® Reinforced Earth Structure with Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh Facing for Service Road of Second Baoshan Reservoir
Taiwan | 2005-2009
Products:ACEGrid® GG, ACEMat™ R
Application:Slope Stabilization , Basal Reinforcement ,Subgrade Stabilization ,Base Reinforcement
Application:Slope Stabilization , Basal Reinforcement ,Subgrade Stabilization ,Base Reinforcement

Ground Improvement, Queensland Motorways Gateway Upgrade Project, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Oceania | 2005-2009
Products:ACETex® PET
Application: Basal Reinforcement ,Base Reinforcement
Application: Basal Reinforcement ,Base Reinforcement