Case Studies
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Taiwan | 2010-2014

Slope Rehabilitation, Route 47, Taichung, Taiwan

Products:ACEGrid® GG, ACEMat™ R

Application: Slope Erosion Control


The project was located on the hilly road of Heping District in Taichung City in Taiwan.

Problem / Task

The soft soil and slope without vegetation led to the slope experiencing falling rocks after serious rainfall. The hilly road was broken by rock falls, not only endangering the road, but also seriously affecting the slope and road user safety.

Solution/ Design & Construction

To achieve carbon reduction, wrap-around reinforced earth structure (RES) was built on the existing concrete foundation. The reinforced earth structure was designed for a 50m length along the hilly road line, at a 4m height following the on-site landform whose slope was 1:1(V:H), and the layout length designed for 4m. The surface was covered with PE vegetation soil bags. To prevent runoff and seepage, a horizontal drainage system was installed in the RES to effectively mitigate the poor drainage problem.


After construction, the RES was well vegetated in the local landform by a covering geomat, reducing the ecological damage. To catch the rockfalls, the RES had a retention fence installed uphill. The design of the structure integrates safety, excellent drainage, and an eco-friendly environment.

Slope Erosion Control

Slope Erosion Control

As rain impacts the ground surface, raindrops displace topsoil, exposing roots and the foundations of structures which can critically destabilize slopes. Enhanc...

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