Earthwork Construction
Slope Erosion Control
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As rain impacts the ground surface, raindrops displace topsoil, exposing roots and the foundations of structures which can critically destabilize slopes. Enhance slope filtration, stabilization and promote vegetation growth with ACEMat™ or ACETex® erosion control geosynthetic fabrics for superior soil and rock slope erosion resistance.
Related Case Studies

Use of Reinforced Soil to Restore an Eroded Slope in Africa
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Roadside Slope Rehabilitation with ACEMat™ R, Aboriginal Tribe, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Application:Slope Stabilization, Slope Erosion Control

Reinforced Soil Slope at the Entrance of Gukeng Interchange, National Freeway No. 3, Taiwan
Application:Slope Stabilization, Slope Erosion Control
【Brochures】ACECell™ Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACEPin™ T Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACENail™ SD Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACESandbag™ EC Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACE Solutions in Geotechnical Engineering
【Brochures】ACEMat™ R Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACELoopTex™ Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACEFormer™ Product Brochure
【Brochures】Case Study Collection-Safety and Reliability with ACE Solutions
【Installation Guidelines】Installation Guideline for ACEMat™ R (Member Only)
【Installation Guidelines】Installation Guideline for ACEFormer™ (Member Only)
【Papers】The Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Assessment of A Reinforced Embankment Structure
【Others】Case Study Collection- Earthwork Construction
【Videos】ACEFormer™ Geotextile Mattress Installation for Slope and River Protection
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Geomat in Slope Protection" is done?
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Slope Stabilization

Basal Reinforcement