Case Studies
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Roadway and Railway Construction

Transportation is the main channel to connect cities and deliver goods, so traffic infrastructures are always important for country development. Not only new transport systems need to be constructed but also existing roads, highways, railways and bridges also need to be renovated or upgraded due to road quality or maintenance. ACE Geosynthetics offers geosynthetic products into various transportation system projects, such as rural road widening for traffic capacity expansion, foundation stabilization for roadways or viaduct construction and abutment construction for vehicle and pedestrian bridge access.

Subgrade Stabilization

Subgrade Stabilization

Heavy vehicles trekking across poor subgrade soils distorts the surfaces of roadways, leading to the...
Base Reinforcement

Base Reinforcement

Well-developed roadways are an essential component of land travel however, the route to your destina...
Pavement Improvement

Pavement Improvement

One of the most commonly visible damages along highways and roads are reflective cracks. Applying th...
Road Widening

Road Widening

Road widths are extended to accommodate higher volumes of traffic and improve the safety of traffic...
Bridge Construction

Bridge Construction

Integrating ACE mechanically stabilized earth abutments with ACEGrid® or ACETex® geosyntheti...

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ACE Geosynthetics │ Nigeria
Case Studies
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