ACETube® - hydraulic structures
Geotextile Bags, Tubes and Containers
Geotextile Tubes for Coastal Protection
ACETube® geotextile tubes are monolithic-tubular containers fabricated by multiple pieces of highly engineered synthetic woven fabrics. In order to form flexible mass-gravity hydraulic structures for coastal protection including seawalls, dunes, breakwaters, groins and revetments, etc., it can be filled with in-situ solids. In general, ACETube® are hydraulically filled with in-situ sand/water slurry by pump, dredger or funnel. During and after the filling process, the water dissipates through the fabric, while the sand can be retained within the geotextile tubes and become the main composition of the structures.



Superior solution for coastal protection
ACETube® geotextile tubes are usually installed at sites with the usage of locally sourced materials, so a great amount of costly materials and transportation works are reduced. Therefore, it is suggested that building hydraulic structures with geotextile tubes be a more efficient, cost-effective and eco-friendly method than using traditional concrete or stones. Moreover, the structures made of geotextile tubes are flexible, so they can offer excellent water current resistance.
High grade fabric with satisfactory strength and exceptionally high permeability
In order to ensure the filling height of the geotextile tubes as part of the structures, they need high tensile strength to bear the pumping pressure and high filtration properties to retain filling particles. ACETube® have a very high tensile strength (up to 300kN/m), exceptionally high permeability and optimal pore sizes with the circumference exceeding 30 meters.
High quality, durability, and cost-effectiveness
Proven by numerous indoor and outdoor tests performed by accredited laboratories, ACETube® geotextile tubes have excellent durability including high resistances to abrasion, ultraviolet light, oxidation, acid, alkali, bio-decomposition and immersion corrosion in seawater. The quality of ACETube® is ensured by the quality control and assurance process certified with ISO 9001. Moreover, ACETube® are relatively lightweight with high tensile strengths than most similar products. ACETube® geotextile tube series are available in different colors (black / tan), dimensions, mechanic and hydraulic characteristics, and fabrication types to meet diverse project engineering needs.
The characteristics of ACETube® ensure the flexibility of design, efficiency of construction, and long-term effectiveness of structures amongst other benefits are proven in hundreds of projects around the world in twenty years. Furthermore, ACE Geosynthetics offers technical supports for design, analysis and installation of ACETube® to fulfill customer’s requirements. The benefits of using ACETube® are summarized as below:
• High quality and durability to ensure long-term effectiveness of structures
• High mechanical and filtration performance to enhance usage efficiency
• Environmentally friendly with less carbon emission
• Easy handling and installation to reduce construction time and costs
• Cost-effective
【Brochures】ACE Solutions with ACE Products: ACEGrid®, ACETex®, ACETube®
【Brochures】ACETube® Product Brochure
【Brochures】ACE Solutions in Hydraulic Engineering
【Brochures】An Overview of ACEGrid®, ACETex®, and ACETube®
【Brochures】Case Study Collection-Safety and Reliability with ACE Solutions
【Data Sheets】ACETube® Geotextile Tube TDS
【Installation Guidelines】Installation Guideline for ACETube® (Member Only)
【Installation Guidelines】Installation Guideline for Submerged ACETube (Member Only)
【Papers】Application of Geotextile Tube on Offshore Submerged Breakwater and Its Carbon Reduction Benefit - A Case Study of Taichung Harbor Breakwater Foundation Protection Project
【Papers】Protection of Pier Foundation of Zhongsha Bridge at Zhuoshui River
【Papers】Geotextile Tubes in Groyne Structure Repair and Riverbank Protection
【Papers】Integral Solution for Dos Bacas PEMEX Marine Facilities Beach Erosion Problem at Tabasco, Mexico
【Papers】Modern breakwater solution of geotextile tube in UAE
【Papers】Geotextile Tubes Application on Beach Nourishment in UAE
【Papers】Geotextile Tubes Used in a Wind-Blown Sand Remediation Project in Taichung Harbor North Siltation Area
【Others】Case Study Collection- Marine and Coastal Structures Construction
【Videos】Collection of the International Cases for ACETube® , ACEContainer ®, and ACEFormer™
【Videos】ACETube® Geotextile Tube Installation for Coastal Protection
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Geotextile Tube in Shore Protection" is done?
【Videos】ACETube® (Geotextile Tube) Solution for Barrier Island’s Inlet Restoration
【Videos】Geotextile Tubes as Submerged Breakwaters for Harbor Protection
ACE Solutions with ACE Products: ACEGrid®, ACETex®, ACETube®
ACETube® Product Brochure
ACETube® Geotextile Tube TDS
Installation Guideline for Submerged ACETube (Member Only)
Installation Guideline for ACETube® (Member Only)
Application of Geotextile Tube on Offshore Submerged Breakwater and Its Carbon Reduction Benefit - A Case Study of Taichung Harbor Breakwater Foundation Protection Project
Protection of Pier Foundation of Zhongsha Bridge at Zhuoshui River
Modern breakwater solution of geotextile tube in UAE
Geotextile Tubes Application on Beach Nourishment in UAE
Geotextile Tubes Used in a Wind-Blown Sand Remediation Project in Taichung Harbor North Siltation Area
Geotextile Tubes in Groyne Structure Repair and Riverbank Protection
Integral Solution for Dos Bacas PEMEX Marine Facilities Beach Erosion Problem at Tabasco, Mexico
Collection of the International Cases for ACETube® , ACEContainer ®, and ACEFormer™
ACETube® Geotextile Tube Installation for Coastal Protection
Geosynthetic Application | How "Geotextile Tube in Shore Protection" is done?
ACETube® (Geotextile Tube) Solution for Barrier Island’s Inlet Restoration
Geotextile Tubes as Submerged Breakwaters for Harbor Protection
Related Case Studies

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