Marine and Coastal Structures Construction
In coastal engineering, including inland reclamation, harbor construction, estuary improvement, marine dredging and coastline protection, various marine and coastal structures, from seawalls, revetments, groynes to breakwaters, are commonly built to reduce the impact of waves, tides or storm surges. With the increasing public awareness to protect the environment, the demand of marine and coastal engineering projects is not only to build the structures but also to manage marine and coastal environment. Through the real performance of marine and coastal projects ACE geosynthetics products are used, ACE Geosynthetics substantially promotes cost-saving and easy-installation approaches in harmony with nature.
Seawalls, as wave-proof structures built along the shoreline, are important hydraulic structures to...
Maintaining or nourishing depleted beach levels is efficiently achieved by installing ACETube® p...
Breakwaters restore and protect shorelines by interrupting wave energy, and allowing sand to accumul...
Detached Breakwaters are primarily installed near the surf zone to mitigate swift water currents tha...
Sand dunes, as one natural appearance along shorelines, protect beaches from flooding and erosion....
Low-visual-impact and more economical submerged breakwaters not only diminish strong water currents...
Revetment structures are built to protect slopes, banks or cliffs against erosion. Geosynthetics hav...
Temporary water-barriers are cost-effectively built with ACETubes®. The geotextile tubes protect aga...
Any structures installed in marine conditions are eventually exposed and weakened by the continuous...
The weight of pipelines can be its own enemy especially when the pipeline traverses poor soil condit...
Exposed offshore pipelines risk marring by ship anchors and floating out of alignment during strong...