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Use Geotextile Tube as Mine Slurry Dewatering Treatment

Use Geotextile Tube as Mine Slurry Dewatering Treatment

Asia | 2015-2019
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment ,Tailing Dewatering
Sludge Dewatering in a Sewage Treatment Plant, Lithuania

Sludge Dewatering in a Sewage Treatment Plant, Lithuania

Europe | 2015-2019
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment
Sewage and Sludge Dewatering Treatment in the Chuansing Industial park, Taiwan

Sewage and Sludge Dewatering Treatment in the Chuansing Industial park, Taiwan

Taiwan | 2015-2019
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment
Industrial Sludge Treatment, Russia

Industrial Sludge Treatment, Russia

Europe | 2010-2014
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment
Dredging Work at Wujia Port, Taiwan

Dredging Work at Wujia Port, Taiwan

Taiwan | 2015-2019
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sediment Dredging ,Cofferdams
Municipal Sludge Dewatering by using geotextile tube, Moldova

Municipal Sludge Dewatering by using geotextile tube, Moldova

Europe | 2010-2014
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment
Oily Sludge Treatment in Eastern Europe

Oily Sludge Treatment in Eastern Europe

Asia | 2010-2014
Products:ACETube® - dewatering system
Application:Sludge Treatment

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ACE Geosynthetics │ Nigeria
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