Woven PET Geogrids with Durable and Environmentally Friendly Coating for Soil Reinforcement
ACEGrid® GN are flexible woven geogrids composed of high tenacity polyester (PET) yarns and polymer coating to the exclusion of plasticizer for soil reinforcement applications. The geogrids provide a wide range of tensile strength, 20kN/m to 1000kN/m for uniaxial and10kN/m to 300kN/m for biaxial, with enhanced durability and as a more environmentally friendly product.

Plasticizer, halogen and heavy metal free
After longtime exposure to ultraviolet light, the plasticizers such as phthalates added for some polymer coating may degrade the coating, and release into the environment as one kind of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Furthermore, ACEGrid® GN geogrids are free of heavy metal and halogen.
Outstanding mechanic performance in the long term
With the usage of high quality material and expertise of manufacturing geogrids, ACEGrid® GN geogrids have very low elongation and excellent anti-creep performance. Moreover, ACE Geosynthetics is committed to improving the durability of the environmentally friendly product ; also, numerous tests performed by accredited laboratories have been accomplished for proving its performance including resistance to ultraviolet, acid, alkali and installation damage, etc. Along with good resistance to creep, chemicals and installation damage, the geogrids offer high Long-Term Design Strength (LTDS).
Be both green and cost-effective
It is usually regarded green products to be way too expensive, but ACEGrid® GN geogrids are not the same as you thought. With the backup of great production capacity and more than 20 years’ manufacturing experience, the quality and cost effectiveness of ACEGrid® can be basically ensured. Through investing great efforts in research & development, the cost of this green product is well confined. Therefore, with the same excellence of mechanical behaviors as the other ACEGrid® series products, ACEGrid® GN geogrids can fulfill the essentials of engineering safety and profit, and further comply with the trends of environmental protection.
It is widely known that the soil reinforcement applications using geogrids have the advantage of carbon emission reduction than traditional approaches, especially those built with steel and concrete. When we want to do more for our living environment, ACEGrid® GN geogrids now offer a “greener" alternative to the civil engineering world. The benefits of using ACEGrid® GN include:
• High quality and long-term durability to ensure structure service life
• Simple and quick installation to reduce construction time and costs
【Papers】An Application of the Connecting System between MSE Wall and Soil Nail
【Papers】The case of detention basin with the concept of sponge city
【Papers】The Comparison and Analysis of International Tensile Test Methods and Results
【Papers】Application of a Complex Reinforced Structure next to Fault Zone
【Papers】Lessons Learned From Three Failures on a High Steep Geogrid-Reinforced Slope
【Papers】Application of Wrap-Around Reinforced Structure at Hilly Road Repair Case in Thailand and Taiwan
【Videos】Installation of Reinforced Retaining Wall - ACE Geosynthetics
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Precast Panel Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
【Videos】Geosynthetic Application | How "Wrap-Around Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
【Videos】Installation Process of Landfills by Using Geosynthetics Products
The case of detention basin with the concept of sponge city
An Application of the Connecting System between MSE Wall and Soil Nail
The Comparison and Analysis of International Tensile Test Methods and Results
Application of a Complex Reinforced Structure next to Fault Zone
Lessons Learned From Three Failures on a High Steep Geogrid-Reinforced Slope
Application of Wrap-Around Reinforced Structure at Hilly Road Repair Case in Thailand and Taiwan
Geosynthetic Application | How "Reinforced Railroad/Road with Rigid Facing (RRR Method))" is done?
Installation of Reinforced Retaining Wall - ACE Geosynthetics
Geosynthetic Application | How "Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
Geosynthetic Application | How "Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
Geosynthetic Application | How "Precast Panel Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
Geosynthetic Application | How "Wrap-Around Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
Installation Process of Landfills by Using Geosynthetics Products