Dig into geosynthetic applications in ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark website
The official website of the ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark is online since October 2014. Readers are able to explore the park virtually anytime and anywhere through internet access, and learn some knowledge about geosynthetics. You can find demonstrative constructions including reinforced soil structure with six (6) types of facing systems, nine (9) kinds of shore protection and three (3) kinds of erosion control facilities, pavements, and other geosynthetic applications in ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark. Detailed explanations, such as design drawings, 3D models, construction instructions, construction videos, case studies etc., are offered there.
Now six (6) new videos about construction process have been uploaded to the website: five of them are about reinforced soil structure and one is about geotextile tube application in shore protection. Readers can find these videos in the website's demonstration sector, ACE Geosynthetics YouTube Channel, or via the links below.
How "Wrap-Around Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
How "Wire Mesh Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
How "Precast Panel Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
How "Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
How "Cast in Place Concrete Facing Reinforced Soil Structure" is done?
How "Geotextile Tube in Shore Protection" is done?
For example, in the video for the Construction of Reinforced Soil Structure with Wrap-Around Facing, the entire construction process is demonstrated step by step, from foundation leveling, ACEGrid laying, wall face building, backfilling, ACEGrid wrap-around, drainage installation, layer-by-layer, hydroseeding to the completion of the structure.
Construction videos are being uploaded continuously. Explore the ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark online now at to find out how geosynthetics are done.
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