America | 2015-2019
Upgrading Unstable Ground Prone to Subsidence, Texcoco, Mexico
Products:ACEGrid® GG, ACETex® NW
Application: Basal Reinforcement
As a result of excessive pumping of groundwater from the aquifers beneath Texcoco, Mexico City, the earth gradually subsides.
Problem / Task
Without reinforcement and stabilization of the ground, additional loading from buildings and other infrastructures accelerate the sinking that occurs. This issue is critical in ensuring the safety and stabilization of the new government offices adjacent to the highly anticipated Mexico City New International Airport. In order to provide a long term, and economical solution for preventing the eminent settlement of the offices, a combination of ACEGrid® and ACETex® geosynthetic materials were applied to resolve this case.
Solution/ Design & Construction
Integrating ACETex® geotextile for separation of weak stratum from stable homogeneous limestone, tepetate, stratum and ACEGrid® geogrids for reinforcement and stabilization results in the optimum pairing for the dissipation of building loads, reduction of the occurrence of subsidence and ultimately extend the stability of the base platform for the offices.
Geosynthetics segue the construction of stable foundations for low maintenance, lifelong infrastructure by boosting the tensile strength properties and elastic characteristics of poor soils. ACETex® and ACEGrid® provide an effortless and cost-effective countermeasure for land preparation and development.

Basal Reinforcement
Dissipate large loads on weak foundation soils with ACETex® basal reinforcement solutions. ACETex® geotextiles and ACEGrid® geogrids enhance the bea...
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