Case Studies
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Taiwan | 2005-2009

ACEFormer™ Hilly Area Landslide Project, Taoyuan, Taiwan


Application: Slope Erosion Control


Problem / Task

Daxi is a hilly area near Central Mountains in Taiwan. Soil contains ultisols and alfisols. With overdevelopment and climate change, heavy rainfall causes severe soil erosion in this area.

Solution/ Design & Construction

This project demonstrates how to protect slopes and prevent collapse from endangering roads and houses by using ACEFormer™ vegetation type.

ACEFormer™ is a soft and flexible formwork that consists of two layers of high tenacity polyester and polypropylene geotextiles. Its flexibility allows it to conform to different landforms when it comes to building a surface protection structure. Filled with cement mortar, ACEFormer™ system provides an effective shield and medium to fight against erosion by reducing the wave energy and flow velocity on the applied surface.


Vegetation type is one optimal choice from ACEFormer™ series, especially for soil and water conservation. It is good for vegetation to grow on the site.

Slope Erosion Control

Slope Erosion Control

As rain impacts the ground surface, raindrops displace topsoil, exposing roots and the foundations of structures which can critically destabilize slopes. Enhanc...

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