Case Studies
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Taiwan | 2005-2009

Slope Protection and Erosion Control on No.13 Public Cemetery, Miaoli, Taiwan


Application: Slope Erosion Control


In recent years, the Government of Taiwan makes great efforts to advocate the idea of park-like cemeteries. This policy pushes operators of funeral facilities to comply with environmental regulations and pursue sustainability. In doing so, it helps to beautify the cemeteries, utilize the land effectively, and reduce soil erosion on the slopes.

Problem / Task

The project was a cemetery located in Miaoli, Taiwan. The columbarium and worship platform were on a bare slope. Torrential rainfall eroded the surface of the slope and caused landslides. The overall fundamental structure was affected because of poor drainage system and sparse vegetation on the slope. The government intended to offer a safe and tranquil worship environment to the public, so the slope should be protected from erosion and landslides by runoff.

Solution/ Design & Construction

ACEMat™ YS geomat was applied in the project and played the roles of slope protection and vegetation helper. The structure was about 10m in height and 65m in length, 800m2 in total surface area. ACEMat™ YS was laid and anchored onto the slope to provide greater resistance to erosion and slow down runoff. Seeds were then sprayed over the ACEMat™ YS to get a better coverage of green vegetation. ACEMat™ YS is a simple, convenient and economic solution to bare slope improvement.


The construction has experienced numerous attackings of torrential rainfall since its completion in 2009. Nevertheless, the overall structure of the slope remains stable and safe. It proves that ACEMat™ YS geomat is a very durable material for erosion control and slope protection.

Slope Erosion Control

Slope Erosion Control

As rain impacts the ground surface, raindrops displace topsoil, exposing roots and the foundations of structures which can critically destabilize slopes. Enhanc...

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